
5 Reasons Why You need an Auto Accident Attorney with a Great Team


If you get involved in an accident that was not your fault, you may be tempted to leave everything to the insurance providers. You may think that, since you were not at fault, everything will work out. However, that is not always the case. Car accident cases can get complicated within a short time. So, you are better off having a lawyer help you out.


When you have been in an auto accident, you have to decide whether to hire an auto accident attorney or not. If you are still undecided about whether you should hire an auto accident attorney, here are some reasons why you need a lawyer.


1. Experience

If you choose to represent yourself in a car accident claim, you may not know if you have been given a fair settlement. Leaving the insurance company to handle everything means that they will not explore all the opportunities to ensure you get more money. Hiring a lawyer, however, means you get someone who is experienced at handling car accidents.


A car wreck lawyer knows the causes, short-term effects, and how much the car accident settlements are worth. Knowing how to value damages is important when seeking compensation. Having an auto attorney work on your case gives you the assurance that they’ll do everything to ensure you get high compensation.


2. Attention to detail

Your attorney will pay attention to details and make sure you have a strong claim. The team at Borland Phiffer Law investigates, researches, negotiates and litigates the case to give you results. Hiring an attorney means that you get a team that has handled similar cases and knows what is needed.


To make sure you have a strong claim, the car accident lawyer conducts investigations and gathers evidence that will support your case. The information the lawyer collects includes:


  • Track down and interview the accident witnesses.
  • Request accident reports from the local law enforcement
  • Gather photos of the accident
  • Research the road and the weather conditions that surrounded the accident.
  • Evaluate the vehicle and locate possible defects
  • Issue spoliation letters to preserve the short-lived evidence

3. Resources to deal with insurance companies

It’s overwhelming to deal with an insurance company. When you hire a lawyer, you get rid of that stress. Your lawyer handles the communications with an insurance company on your behalf. It includes speaking over the phone or having a written statement to record your words. Our team has been dealing with insurance companies many times and has the resources needed for car accident cases.


4. Settlement negotiations

Settlement negotiations are one of the aspects of a car accident case. When you know how much your case is worth, you’ll be better equipped to handle the recovery process. The Borland Phiffer Law Team in West Texas,  Midland Texas will help you seek damages for the following:


  • Bills you incur from your medical treatments
  • Medical bills you may expect in the future due to an accident, like rehabilitation and therapy costs
  • Wages you lose because you are unable to work
  • Vehicle damage

5. Customer service

The Borland Phiffer team has over 200, 5 star Google reviews which show we are trusted by our clients. We have helped many people to get settlements for their car accident cases. We always put our customers first and will ensure you get quality service.


Contact an auto accident attorney today

If you have been involved in an auto accident, you should hire an attorney. It gives you a guarantee that you will not be tricked into saying something that will lead to you not being compensated. Our tractor-trailer accidents team at Borland Phiffer Law in Midland, Texas gives you the confidence you need when dealing with a car accident. Contact us today.


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