
You Have Been Seriously Injured. It Wasn’t Your Fault.

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured due to someone else’s negligence, you’re probably experiencing a lot of emotions. That is both totally understandable and completely natural. While you may not know what to do next, it is critical to take the first step towards justice. Let me help guide you along the way with my advice below.

What Steps Do I Take After I Have Been Seriously Injured?

1. Medical Attention

First of all, seek medical attention. Some injuries do not show symptoms right away, and it’s important to see a doctor even if the injury is not immediately obvious. A doctor can diagnose the injury and provide the treatment necessary.

2. Choose A Lawyer

Next, you should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer. When looking for the one to protect you, consider my list of questions to ask (include link to Choosing A Personal Injury Lawyer blog). This is the person who you’ll be looking to during the legal process, so it is important to choose wisely.

3. Participate

After choosing a lawyer, the investigation begins to prove your injuries were a result of someone else’s wrongdoing. It is important to participate and follow the instruction of your lawyer. While this process may seem inconvenient and overwhelming, remember that it is necessary to get the maximum compensation possible.

4. Determine Compensation

Depending on the nature of your injury, there are various things for which you can receive compensation (lost wages, prescriptions, doctor visits, etc.). While your lawyer will be the best person to advise you, the decision is ultimately up to you.

Contact Me Today

While this blog is meant to merely inform you on what the personal injury claim process is like, it does not replace the advice from a lawyer. If you would like more information, please contact me today (link). I would be happy to talk to you about the specifics of your case and your first consultation is always free.

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