Back To School Safety Tips
School is starting! Parents, this is the time for you to let out your obligatory sigh of relief. Even though you’re thrilled your kids are going back to school, you probably have concerns regarding their safety. Your family should be prepared for increased traffic, active school zones (slow down!) and children walking to and from school.
Here are some tips to help keep everyone safe:
- Texas law for cell phone use in a school zone is in effect. Violation of the law can result in a fine of up to $200 and additional court fees.
- Do not pass a school bus that is stopped to drop off or pick up passengers. Passing a school bus that is stopped and flashing their red lights carries a minimum fine of $500. Always slow down and watch for flashing red lights on a stopped bus and for children crossing the street.
- Be vigilant for children not using the crosswalk for crossing the street. Teach your children to only cross the street using the crosswalk and to look carefully before crossing.
- Observe and obey all posted speed limit signs.
- Expect heavy traffic congestion as you approach your campus, especially at the beginning of the year.
Most of these tips are common sense but not everyone knows the laws associated with back to school and school zones. Follow these steps and help keep your family and your community safe. If you or someone you love is seeking legal guidance because of an injury, please call my office directly for a free case consultation.